Module 5: Preventing & Managing Water-Related Conflicts
Module 5 discusses means of preventing and managing water-related conflicts. This includes methods as conflict sensitivity, dialogue, and mediation, with a specific case study on dialogue in Northern Kenya.
- Lesson 5A: Conflict Sensitivity in Water Conflicts
When making a decision or taking action, an organization is never completely neutral or indifferent to the context in which it operates. Any intervention will interact in complex ways with the social context it takes place in. This is why conflict sensitivity is vital. Camille Marquette (International Alert) will discuss why and how to apply conflict sensitivity. - Lesson 5B: Dialogue & Mediation in Water Conflicts
Dialogue and mediation have a central role in peacebuilding. They can help people respond to (water-related) conflict in a non-violent way and they can lay the foundation for peace and reconciliation. Jessica Hartog (International Alert) will discuss two of the most established strategies for conflict resolution and peacebuilding: dialogue and mediation. - Lesson 5C: Dialogue in Kenya: Case Study
In Northern Kenya, access to water is not guaranteed, and fishermen clash over the sharing of fishing ground inside Lake Turkana. Daisy Kosgei (Kenya office, International Alert) discusses these and other challenges the communities in Northern Kenya are facing because of water scarcity. She also explains how WPS promotes peace through supporting dialogue processes in Turkana County.
Conflict Sensitivity in Water Conflicts (5A)
Dialogue & Mediation in Water Conflicts (5B)
Dialogue in Kenya: Case Study (5C)
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