WPS E-Learning Module
Do you want to learn more about how water-related risks link to conflict and how such conflict can be prevented or mitigated? We invite you to take the Water, Peace, and Security Partnership’s e-learning course. The course is free, open to anyone interested, and available to complete on your own time.
1: Linking Water, Peace & Security
An introduction to the Water Peace and Security (WPS) framework as a whole as well as the interlinkages of water, peace and security. This module outlines the WPS approach and how this is tailored to suit the broader fields of water, conflict and cooperation. Start Module 1.
2: Global Early Warning Tool
An explanation of the Water, Peace, and Security Partnership’s Global Early Warning Tool, an online resource that helps identify hot spots of water-related conflict and forecasts where conflict is likely to emerge or to continue in the next 12 months. The module provides instructions on how to use the tool. Start Module 2.
3: Regional Approach
A description of methods for stakeholder and conflict analyses that contribute to the WPS integrated approach. The module touches on different techniques that can be used and puts these examples into context through the WPS engagement in Iraq. Start Module 3.
4: Bridging Socio-Hydrology
An explanation of the bridging of socio-hydrology in relation to water-related conflicts by looking at system analyses, water resource models, hydrological analysis, human response modelling, and policy dashboard development. Start Module 4.
5: Preventing & Managing Water-Related Conflicts
A discussion of means of preventing and managing water-related conflicts. This includes methods as conflict sensitivity, dialogue, and mediation, with a specific case study on dialogue in Northern Kenya. Start Module 5.
6: Water Law & Governance Mechanisms
An elaboration on (international) water law and other governance mechanisms to support conflict-sensitive conflict management. Mechanisms discussed in this module include environmental and social impact assessment, and basin management planning. Start Module 6.
7: Gender, Water, Peace & Security
A closer look at means for inclusive water and conflict management. Specifically, the role of gender in water, peace and security. Start Module 7.